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CS 4910 - Special Topics in Computer Science: Algorithm Audits

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence increasingly drive decisions that influence our daily lives, from advertising, to school admissions, hiring, and healthcare. Promises of increased efficiency came at a cost of transparency, making it difficult to answer some fundamental questions: Are these systems fair and just? Are they less biased and discriminatory than humans, or do they perpetuate the societal inequities? Are they being used to entrench sexist and/or racist policies? Do they work equally well for different groups of users? Do they amplify harmful content, close us in Filter Bubbles?

What are algorithm audits?

An audit is a tool for investigating whether a certain complex system is behaving and performing according to some standard. An algorithm audit would look at a Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence product to measure the extent to which certain harms are happening. For example: one can audit a personalized advertising system to verify whether it perpetuates housing segregation by showing different housing opportunities to people of different races.

There are many approaches to algorithm audits, but in this course we will focus on external audits. We will use them to identify problems in deployed ML/AI products without any insider access and without the need for the audited company to allow it. See an example of an external algorithm audit done recently by the instructors of this course:

To get a more concrete feel for the programming aspect of this class, feel free to explore this Jupyter Notebook. You can run this code to partially replicate an audit of face detection/classification products, which showed that the commercial algorithms perform significantly worse for Black women than they do for white men.

Learning objectives

In this course you will learn how to design and implement Algorithm Audits that investigate potential harms of online services. Performing audits requires multiple skills which we will learn during the course:

Course content

In addition to lectures there will be:


Good working knowledge of Python is required (at least DS3000 / CS3500), as well as strong interest in algorithm audits. Some understanding of ML/AI as well as algorithms and data structures will be helpful but not strictly required.

Main instructor

The course will be taught by me, Dr. Piotr Sapiezynski. I am an Associate Reasearch Scientist and I specialize in research on algorithm audits. I strongly believe in the importance of sharing the skills, findings, and ideas with audiences outside of academic conferences: I've taught DS2000 and DS3000, I've presented to Congress, and I've collaborated with journalists and non-governmental organizations. The class will also feature guest lectures by incredible researchers and practicioners and I hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me.